Funny Ways to Say Something Is Clean

Life is filled with minor annoyances. That's merely part of existence alive and on this planet; it's not always going to be fun. But you lot know what can exist fun? The language we use to describe what'due south annoying us.

There are astonishing words to draw just about annihilation that makes our days more than difficult. Are you rushing to make clean up your domicile before guests come over? That's called scurryfunging. Does your pet stare at you while you're eating, waiting patiently to see if you lot'll drop some food for him? That activity is called goraking. Feeling a vague sense of melancholy nearly the country of the world? You lot may be suffering from weltschmerz, a German word for the apathy caused by watching as well much of the morning news.

And that's only the top of the iceberg. Here are 30 other words that exercise such a better job of explaining life'south little difficulties. And for more comedically enlightening tidbits, read through the xl Facts So Funny They're Hard to Believe.

hilarious words

Feeling a nervous fluttering in your stomach, enough that you want to cease whatever you're doing and run away.

Instance: "I almost asked her out. But then I got the collywobbles." And for more than hilarious word play, check out the 50 Puns So Bad They're Actually Funny.

hilarious words

An old Yorkshire discussion for that weird clingy feeling when y'all're trying to break in a new pair of underwear. A "shive" is a loose thread in some habiliment that won't stop rubbing you the wrong way.

Case: "Sorry I tin can't sit withal, but these new boxers are giving me the shivvies."

hilarious words

What happens to your body when y'all've been sitting in the same cramped, uncomfortable position for likewise long. Information technology'south kind of astonishing how Scottish slang from the 18th century can perfectly depict the feeling of taking a nonstop flight from New York to LA.

Case: "I was in the backseat for that whole road trip, with my knees up to my mentum, and I still accept the croochie-proochles." And for more on funny situations, here are the 20 Things Everyone Secretly Finds Hilarious.

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Just read something that's painfully untrue? It's probably flapdoodle. It's like fake news, but fancier. Used since the mid-19th century, it'due south the less calumniating manner of saying, "You are full of it!"

EXAMPLE: "I wouldn't believe anything he tells you. All he does is read flapdoodle."

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If you're the kind of person who decorates your domicile by covering every foursquare inch of wall infinite with something—artwork, pictures of friends and family, a mirror—because it drives you crazy when at that place'south any empty infinite at all, you're suffering from a condition called horror vacui.

EXAMPLE: "Maybe nosotros don't cover that wall with a 1000 paintings. I'm just saying, your horror vacui is starting to drive me batty." And for more home decor tips, these are the thirty Home Decorations No One Over 30 Should Own.

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The bloated feeling you lot become after eating way too much or drinking to excess. It has its origins in the Greek discussion crapula, for a hangover caused by overindulgence.

Instance: "The last time I ate a whole plate of nachos past myself, I was feeling like crapulence for a week." And if you're fighting a hangover yourself, don't miss these 10 Best Science-Backed Hangover Cures.

hilarious words

A Yiddish word that beginning appeared in the U.South. during the early on 20th century. It translated roughly as "I should worry?" It'south non an actual question, simply a flippant response. You're non concerned, despite whatever warnings y'all've been given.

EXAMPLE: "Oh, he thinks I should get a lawyer, does he? Ishkabibble!"

hilarious words

Gorged a bit likewise heavily over the holidays? You may be experiencing yule pigsty. That's when you've reached the terminal hole on your belt buckle. We have the Scots to thank for this lovely reminder to go easy on the carbs in the New Yr.

EXAMPLE: "I need to hit the gym. I overdid information technology during Christmas. I hit my yule hole." And if you're experiencing yule hole, here are the 10 Best Ways to Lose ten Pounds Fast!

hilarious words

When yous know you shouldn't exist doing something just you exercise it anyhow, you're being acrasia. Pronounced "uh-KRAY-zee-yuh", equally in "You lot crazy, yah!" From a 19th-century Greek word meaning lack of strength or willpower.

EXAMPLE: "You're even so smoking? Y'all're acrasia!" And for more funny trivia, here are 75 Jokes So Bad They're Actually Funny.

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A naive or gullible person who is easily fooled. It'southward derived from the French word gober (to consume) and mouche (fly). So basically, a gobemouche is "fly-swallower," somebody who'll accept just about anything.

EXAMPLE: "I have this friend on Facebook who'due south ever posting stories nearly Bigfoot. He believes in information technology too. What a gobemouche!"

hilarious words

When y'all simply can't summon the energy or enthusiasm to become to work. Information technology originated in the 18th century to describe an imagined illness. You lot're not actually sick, you lot just don't feel like showing up.

Example: "I can't get in to our coming together today. I've got a bad case of humdudgeon." And if that sounds similar y'all, check out these 30 Best Means to Get More than Energy Earlier Apex.

hilarious words

An old English word for not having any freaking idea where you're heading. If you've ever driven effectually on a weekend with no destination in mind, you've been out coddiwompling.

EXAMPLE: "I'thousand not in the mood to go anywhere. Let's just coddiwomple for awhile."

hilarious words

It sounds like it has something to do with a girl named Gwen, only this is really a term for the tingling awareness, or "pins and needles," you tin feel in your hands when they're numb from too much cold.

EXAMPLE: "I need to buy some gloves. I become the gwenders every time I try to throw a snowball with bare easily."

hilarious words

A less than intelligent person. Somebody prone to saying idiotic things. You're probably Facebook friends with a few of ninnyhammers.

Instance: "As politicians go, he's the biggest ninnyhammer of them all. And that's saying something!"

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Originating from the ancient Greek words sialon ("saliva") and loqui ("speak"), it's when somebody can't speak without letting some spit fly.

Instance: "Hey, hey, hey, say information technology don't spray information technology. You're existence sialoquent!"

hilarious words

When you stub your human foot or accidentally hit a finger while hammering a nail, your get-go impulse might exist to curse. And that cursing bring a rush of relief. That emotional relief is called lalochezia.

EXAMPLE: "It hurt a piffling at starting time, but the lalochezia made it improve."

hilarious words

A tiny human who has grossly overestimated his importance or intelligence. Information technology originated from the Dutch dialect kockeloeren, significant "to crow similar a rooster," because roosters apparently take a bloated sense of self-esteem.

EXAMPLE: "I just terminate listening whenever that cockalorum starts bragging."

hilarious words

A word with Greek origins—clino for bed and mania for obsession—it's that uncontrollable feeling y'all go some mornings when you'd rather just stay in bed all day.

Example: "I know I should go to the role. Just it feels similar a clinomania kind of 24-hour interval."

hilarious words

When you see someone and so attractive that you tin't have your eyes off of them, and y'all know that staring is creepy but you can't help yourself, yous're smickering at them. This word has been effectually since at t to the lowest degree the 17th century, and possibly much earlier, and comes to us courtesy of Scotland.

EXAMPLE: "My girlfriend caught me smickering a daughter, then at present I'1000 in the doghouse."

hilarious words

When your stomach is rumbling, either from lack of nutrient or as well much digestion. It's derived from the Greek discussion borboryzein, which means "to rumble."

Instance: "I judge somebody's hungry. I tin hear your gut borborygmus from here." And for more fun trivia, here are xx Crazy Facts That Will Blow Your Mind.

hilarious words

Being terrified, but in a pleasurable way. When you lot're at a scary movie and jump when a guy with an axe jumps does something horrible, or you lot're on a rollercoaster and the hairs on your arm stand up at attending as you slowly click-click-clicks up the track, you're feeling the rush of frisson.

EXAMPLE: "I totally scared myself to expiry at Half-dozen Flags. I was feeling that frisson all day."

hilarious words

The blitz of excitement when you realize your squad is going to win. At that place's nonetheless time left on the clock, just there's no way they tin can blow it now.

Case: "No way, man, it'due south over. Your boys are done! The game is over! Oh my gosh, I've got such crazy nikhedonia right at present!"

friends at dinner conversationalist laughing

A cheap person. The guy who never picks upward the bill or offers to pay for luncheon this time. The word originates from 18th-century seafaring, given to a transport's purser who keeps more for himself than he gives to the residual of the ship'southward crew.

Case: "We meliorate separate this three ways. Glenn is likewise much of a nipcheese to bit in."

hilarious words

It sure does look like you're working at your computer, but y'all're probably only playing solitaire on your computer.

Instance: "Of course he didn't meet his deadline. All he does all day is fudgel."

hilarious words

That bone-tired feeling after a long mean solar day of chores or decorated-work. Unless you've been fudgelling at the computer all 24-hour interval, in which case you're a forswunke liar.

EXAMPLE: "I'g so tired, I tin't lift a finger. I'm forswunke!" And if that sounds similar you lot, here are 25 Non-Java Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels.

hilarious words

The scientific term for an ice cream headache. What, did you remember that temporary pain in your thesphenopalatine ganglion wouldn't have a medical name?

EXAMPLE: "Ow, ow, ow! I ate that tutti frutti way too fast and now I've got a example of sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia!!"

hilarious words

Non at all what you think it means. This Middle English language give-and-take from the 13th century comes from "cover" (to conceal) and "slut" (an untidy woman.) Information technology's the piece of vesture you wear to go outside when y'all don't experience like changing out of your shabby or unclean wearing apparel.

EXAMPLE: "I'd love to get to breakfast, simply I'd rather stay in pajamas. I'll just throw on this coverslut and nobody will notice."

hilarious words

An erstwhile English word for putting on makeup. Don't say it too fast or they might think you're accusing them of something else.

EXAMPLE: "No, no, I say you're farding. Far-ding. Equally in putting on makeup. Why, what did you think I meant?"

hilarious words

If it's "beer-30," then it'southward officially quafftide time. It's a goofy discussion for indicating that happy hr is upon us and the time for drinking to excess had arrived. First used in a volume from 1582 to draw the Roman festival Bacchanalia.

EXAMPLE: "Sure, allow'southward get another round. It's quafftide "

hilarious words

It's Sunday and you really, really don't want to go to work tomorrow. That heavy, sad feeling that all fun things will be ending soon is called sonntagsleerung, This word originated in Frg, which makes perfect sense. Who better to create a word for having a vague sense of dread about tomorrow?

Example: "Ugh, is it Sunday already? No wonder I feel and then much sonntagsleerung."

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